Beginner Scything Course

For the absolute beginner I offer a comprehensive programme which will take you from complete novice through to a fairly competent level. These courses run for roughly six hours.

Beginner Scything Courses 2025

This is a One-day course and runs from 10.00 am – 4.00 pm inclusive of tea/coffee We will cover these basics: –

  • Introduction to the scythe
  • Setting up a scythe for your own body size
  • Care and maintenance of the scythe, (keeping the blade sharp, peening the edge)
  • The practice of mowing and different styles for different conditions.
  • Courses can be tailored to fit individual specific abilities and requirements
Contact Me
Kevin Austin pausing to sharpen blade in scything meadow

Recommended Beginner’s Blades

Ditching and Rasierschnitt scything blades

I favour a multipurpose 65cm Ditch blade or a 60cm Rasierchnitt blade for beginners.

The Ditch blade is an all round blade for clearing weeds or cutting grass. Its design makes it robust enough to mow on slightly uneven ground and cope with thick brambles and weeds. It has a strong, blunt tip that is less likely to get damaged by hidden obstacles, or to dig into the ground. A 65cm blade is small enough to manoeuver around the garden and will also tackle larger areas.

The Rasierchnitt 60cm blade is not quite as robust as the ditching blade but perfect for mowing small meadows and uneven areas.

Additional Information

During the day you will have plenty of hands-on mowing practice. I will observe, help and advise where needed so you can gain the confidence to use your own scything kit

You can purchase a scythe and accessories from me on the day.

You will need to bring: wet weather gear, suitable footwear, a drink, suncream / sunhat, notebook and enthusiasm!

Max 6 students, so booking is essential.

Beginner Courses Cost

2025 pricing will be as follows
SABI Logo - British scything Association
The cost of the course is per person and includes instruction, tea/coffee.
/ per person
Equipment for the day supplied
SABI Logo - British scything Association
Concessions / Unwaged
The cost of the course is per person and includes instruction, tea/coffee.
/ per person
Contact me for specific pricing.
Equipment for the day supplied
SABI Logo - British scything Association
Alternatively, if you prefer, we can come to your land to deliver the course for a group of students (6 max)
/ 6 Max
Equipment for the day supplied